
Things I've worked on in the past

Most of my past dashboard projects are not public-facing and were part of larger web applications. Below are descriptions of the projects that I worked on that included dashboards or data visualizations.

KPI Dashboard for Tracking Project Pipeline

In 2007, I was a vital member of a consulting and web development team that customized the vTiger CRM for the needs of a construction company.

I worked directly with the CEO to understand which Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) were most important for tracking the project pipeline. I customized vTiger to ensure that we collected the necessary data, and I created custom dashboards within vTiger that let their executive team and project managers visualize these KPIs.

Distribution Dashboard for eVouchers and Mosquito Nets

I was the lead web developer for the eVoucher system used as part of the Tanzania National Voucher Schema (TNVS). The TVNS played a critical role in providing long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) to infants and pregnant women and reduced malaria in Tanzania.

I was also the lead web developer for a map-based dashboard that provided a high-level view of eVoucher issuance and redemption across the regions of Tanzania.

Simulation Results Dashboard

I was the lead developer for an agent-based model (ABM) used to support decision-making around local content procurement strategy. The simulation helped analysts better understand the supply and demand for local goods, services, and labour related to large development projects in emerging markets.

The web application allowed different scenarios to be configured, with a simulation for each scenario running 1000 times. Ultimately, this produced a large amount of data, and a dashboard was created that allowed analysts to quickly understand and compare the simulation results.